Artnet News | Kate Brown
Looking at the year ahead in the German art world, the future is certainly female. With a directorial shuffle underway, women are moving into several top positions at institutions across the country. And yet, despite such visibility, the presence of women in decision-making positions in culture and media in Germany overall is still significantly trailing behind its European neighbors, as is their relative pay, according to a study presented last fall.
The observable uptick is likely due to factors other than corrective measures, and each of these incoming female curators, scholars, and art historians are definitive experts in their respective fields.
The most recent appointment, announced today, sees Christina Lehnert—the former curator of Kunstverein Braunschweig—taking over as the new head curator at the Portikus in Frankfurt, succeeding Fabian Schöneich, who’s at the end of his tenure…. read more
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