Old Johannesburg Warehouse Auctioneers has grown into a flourishing business with three branches, located respectively in Johannesburg, Pretoria, and the Winelands. Auctioneers of antiques, art, jewellery, collectables, carpets, classic vehicles, coins, collectables, and more host a lineup of online auctions throughout the year spread out between the branches. The owner, former 1995 Springbok rugby player, Christiaan Scholtz started off 27 years ago, dealing in Antiques, collectables, and art. The Melville shop, Ossewa Antiques, which he owned and operated from for over 20 years has now become the latest location for auctions through the company. The newly refurbished OJW Clubhouse Melville venue will be host to select smaller auctions with highly sought-after pieces – one such, taking place on Saturday 10 September, is worth diarizing.

Piet van Heerden, Grondpad, Victoriastraat, Villiersdorp
A magnitude of magnificent art and antiques is included in this auction lineup. The art collection of the late Dr Piet Roux forms the main part of this. Dr Roux befriended the artist Johannes Meintjes on the Meintjes family farm Grootzeekoegat. The Meintjes family acquired the homestead, built in 1824 as home as well as fortress against the Xhosa nation during frontier wars, in 1859. Here three preceding generations farmed with sheep and this is where his father died when Meintjes was only five years of age. The family had little choice but to move away to Riversdal. For more than twenty years Meintjes had been dreaming about his return to Grootzeekoegat, to claim his inheritance and to reunite with his past. Two years after his return to South Africa from Europe, he withdraws to the isolated family farm Grootzeekoegat, inexplicably bound to his family heritage. Here he would give expression to himself as a painter, write all his important manuscripts and build up his highly prestigious library.
No visitor to Grootzeekoegat could escape the haunting atmosphere and sense of mystery that hung over the legendary Storm- and Bamboesberge, and the aura of things unknown and unseen that pervaded the silent veld stretching out beyond the farmhouse. It is almost impossible to pinpoint it, but something of the primeval spirit of that place, of its timelessness, its loneliness, and the deepest, most enduring, and indestructible part of man is reflected in the canvasses painted by Meintjes. Together with his wife Ronell, Meintjes became part of the people of Molteno, the town closest to Grootzeekoegat. He was a prolific artist and at the time of his death in 1980, he had painted more than 1 336 paintings, hundreds of sketches, and dozens of sculptures.
Dr Roux who hailed from Molteno, could also not escape the atmosphere of the place and the person and became a great enthusiast of the artist’s work, acquiring many pieces for his private collection. Thirteen of his Meintjes art works are in included but of special mention KAROO LOVERS, a hauntingly beautiful large-scale oil is the piece that started their bond. The painting, done as a commission, was executed in 1976.
Many beautiful Piet van Heerdens, Gregoire Boonzaiers and Alice Goldin oils are also included from his collection. Also, of special mention out of this auction a spectacular Neil Rodgers, YOUNG WOMAN SEATED IN A CRISP WHITE SHIRT and a rare portfolio of Salvador Dali lithographs from the opera Carmen. More wonderful lots still to be added as intake is still in progress.

Salvador Dali, lithographs from CARMEN portfolio

Salvador Dali, lithographs from CARMEN portfolio
The auction catalogue will be online by the end of August. Viewing for the public will be open on Friday 9 September from 9:00 until 15:30 at 1 8th Avenue, Melville. For more information, please contact the Jhb office on 011 836 1650 or email info@oldjwauctioneers.com
Consignments for future auctions take place year-round – please get in touch with your nearest branch (Johannesburg/Pretoria/Wellington) to get included in an auction. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates. www.oldjwauctioneers.com

Johannes Meintjes, Landscape With Rock And Birds

Johannes Meintjes, Wagtende Kitaarspeler

Piet van Heerden, Farm Cottages, Cape