Applications are now open for SculptX 2022
the largest annual sculpture fair in South Africa.
The Melrose Gallery would like to invite established, mid-career and emerging sculptors to express interest in participating in SculptX 2022.
This is the 5th instalment of the extremely successful sculpture fair that has become a valuable platform for the promotion and celebration of sculpture and the creators thereof. The fair consistently presents over 200 sculptures created by more than 90 sculptors in various spaces indoor and outdoor spaces within the Melrose Arch precinct in Johannesburg.
Previous years have included the likes of Noria Mabasa, Pitika Ntuli, Willie Bester, Wilma Cruise, Andries Botha, Johannes Maswanganyi and Gordon Froud amongst numerous others.
- Carol Cauldwell Rabbits Dandelion, 2021 Bronze, 77 x 36 x 35 cm Edition of 15
- Simon Zitha, Sibongile, 2021 Bronze and stone 118 x 48 x 48 cm
SculptX provides a valuable opportunity for emerging artists to present their works alongside some of the country’s most acclaimed talents. We recognise that artists of colour and women have traditionally been underrepresented in terms of sculpture and our team puts much effort into trying to address these challenges.
Our desire to be more representative and less exclusive provides the artists with more freedom in terms of what they choose to create and present, and this results in a wide assortment of materials, sizes, price points and theme’s. These have ranged from crystal, pottery, and clay to mixed media, wood, recycled materials, found objects, steel, fabric, bronze, and others.
How to Apply:
Artwork Submissions including the following information to be emailed to curator@themelrosegallery.com by 1 May 2022:
Artist CV.
Brief Artist Bio (250 words).
Artist/ Work statement (250 words max).
High-resolution image of artwork(s), max 4MB.
Artist Profile picture, max 2MB.
We would also welcome any proposals for exciting projects such as monumental sculptures, installations, workshops, and dialogues that create a buzz around sculpture as an important genre.
We prefer to avoid a theme or to limit the participating artists in terms of seniority, subject matter or medium so as to present as wide an array of quality sculptures and sculptors as possible.
This allows talented emerging artists to show alongside many of South Africa’s most established names.
We will confirm participating artists by 31 May. Works will need to be received in Johannesburg by the 5th of August 2022. SculptX 2022 runs from 1 September to 2 October.
For more information contact curator@themelrosegallery.com and visit www.themelrosegallery.com to see previous instalments.

Larissa Mathews

Installation image of Pitika Ntuli and Olwethu De Vos’s work at SculptX