We take pleasure in presenting A Freckle Past a ‘Hare’, Carol Cauldwell’s first solo with The Melrose Gallery, from the 3 to 28 August as part of our Womxn’s Month celebrations.
Stargazer Frogs, Bronze 96 x 72 x 65 cm, Edition of 15
Definition of ‘A Freckle Past a Hair’: Said when asked the time, humorously indicating that one does not know or does not care to check.
Carol believes that life should not be taken too seriously. The recent pandemic has made that abundantly clear.
She has built a strong following for her whimsical sculptures of animals and people who could have travelled straight from Alice in Wonderland.
This exhibition, presenting over 20 sculptures in Carol’s signature style, including her 6-metre ‘Rabbit’, will be sure to captivate all who experience them. Rabbits, a walrus sea captain, children, dogs, and other colourful characters will invite you to ‘jump down the rabbit hole’ with Carol to another world filled with laughter, joy, and more than a little bit of carelessness.
For more information contact curator@themelrosegallery.com or visit www.themelrosegallery.com
Rabbits Dandelion, 2021, Bronze, 77 x 36 x 35 cm, Edition of 15
Walrus, Old Man of the Sea, 2021, Bronze 92 x 42 x 46 cm, Edition of 15