Kiff Khaya
Deepest Darkest Gallery CT
25/09/2021 until 20/11/2021


Boss Lady 2021, Ruan Jooste

Following the often tumultuous recent uncertainty experienced here in South Africa, we’re poised to sigh a smile at the prospect of an oncoming Summer at Deepest Darkest with the opening of digital artist Ruan Jooste’s debut solo show, Kiff Khaya.

Jooste celebrates the quirks and idiosyncrasies that mishmash into our shared commonalities, memories and nostalgias in a riot of fun, colour and wit. At a time when so many felt divided, he boldly reminds us that there is a uniquely South African joy that binds and connects us.

“I was inspired by my country, my continent and the amazing people who call it home. The vibrant colours of our landscapes, cities and towns, and the rich cultures that make up this rainbow nation. There is energy and grit in our urban and rural landscapes, downtown to township. I started this series in a time where we as a country have gone through tremendous strain and sadness. We have lived and seen devastation day after day during this pandemic and as I struggled with my own state of mind in making sense of it all, I wanted to remind myself of the joy this country also has to offer. Adding elements of fun and fantasy resulted in imagining another version of our reality. One that reminds you to smile. Not only for myself, but to share.”



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