Johannesburg, South Africa – Entries officially opened for the annual Sasol New Signatures art competition in May. This is South Africa’s longest-running competition of its kind and has become a platform for unknown artists to break into the mainstream art stage.

This annual competition is open to all South African artists over 18 years who have not yet held a solo exhibition. Artists who have held a solo exhibition for academic purposes (a Master’s degree exhibition) are allowed to enter. Artists can submit up to 2 artworks in all artistic mediums. The competition does NOT prescribe a theme to entrants. Artists are welcome to submit artworks that engage with any topic, narrative, theme, concern, issue of their choosing.

Sasol New Signatures chairperson Pfunzo Sidogi said: “Art competitions like the Sasol New Signatures are critical enablers for not only incentivising emerging artists, but also for giving these artists access to the mainstream art market. We have seen how artists who participate in this competition go on to exhibit and promote their artworks at other prominent industry showcases like local, and at times international, art fairs and mega-exhibitions/biennales”.

Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, the Information Session Roadshow could not take place around South Africa. Chairperson Pfunzo Sidogi hosted an online discussion on the ins and outs of the Sasol New Signatures competition for entrants to watch and understand the submission process. To view the full Info Session video or read the Info Sessions Unpacked blog on the website.

The winner of the Sasol New Signatures Art Competition will be announced on Wednesday, 10 November 2021. The winner will receive R100 000 and a solo exhibition at next year’s exhibition. The runner up will receive R25 000 and the five merit award winners will each walk away with R10 000. The winning works will also be displayed at the Pretoria Art Museum from Thursday, 11 November 2021 to Sunday, 9 January 2022. The runner up will receive R25 000 and the five merit award winners will each walk away with R10 000.

Sidogi concluded: ”Due to the generous sponsorship from Sasol and logistical support from Stuttaford Van Lines, it literally does not cost anything to enter this competition. Sasol New Signatures gives entrants an amazing opportunity to participate in a national art competition, get recognised as an artist to watch and if selected to be included in the catalogue which can be added to your artist CV”.

Cecilia Maartens van Vuuren | Merit winner 2019


Patrick Rulore | Winner 2019

For more information on the competition, Information Sessions and drop off points:

Or contact:

Nandi Hilliard from the Association of Arts Pretoria on 012 346 3100, 083 288 5117 or

Twitter: #SasolNewSignatures

Sthenjwa Hopewell Luthuli | Umbamgo Runner Up 2017


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