Fine Art Africa Gallery
Genesis is a collection of works produced by Fine Arts Master Rachelle Bomberg. Her work illuminates the boundary between our world and that of the mysterious, each work coming reveal itself first to art master, and then to art viewer. Visit to view full virtual gallery tour.
Rachelle says…
“The progression of my work reflects my journey through life, the two are inseparable. – one moment a child, growing up through the time of the Beatles culture and the hippie generation, the next a mother. From a girl seeing the world for the first time as an air stewardess, (when concept of ‘time’ is altered radically, travelling in a timeless capsule above the clouds), to a woman learning to ‘see’………….forever learning. This entwined with the development of physical strength and breath, through movement and dance – a seemingly inconsistent stream of events engulfing an individual.
Through a process of deep concentration, I can transcend the barriers of a learnt reality, and produce the passage into a new realm. My work reflects a journey to ‘oneness’, and could not be achieved if either the mental process or physical strength were not developed together into a whole. The effort is great, but there is a point when I flow with the canvas – the experience can be likened to dance – it is harmonious.