Home Is Where The Heart Is
Opening June 22 (Online exhibition, The Gallery will reopen under level 3 regulations but visitor numbers will be limited)
Home is a caring place of nurture and solace; a place to recreate, procreate, eat, sleep and dream. The fortunate live in a home with family, children, domestic workers, and pets. For the less fortunate ‘home’ is a figment of the imagination, a memory, or an aspiration.
The 2020 Covid19 message of ‘Stay at home and prevent the transmission of the virus’ recognises ‘homes’ as structures, each separate and contained. Social interaction has been confined to prevent the transmission of the virus causing an increased focus of attention on the internet, social networking, and video chatting platforms. With our hearts and souls, many South Africans are at home preserving life while being grateful to those who sustain society and maintain the essential services.
The gallery will reopen with the commencement of level 3 regulations, but visitor numbers will be limited to comply with government safety guidelines. We can and will also organise a virtual online exhibition working from our respective homes. We care for the livelihood of the artists who are also working at home and the continuation of The Cape Gallery which has been in existence for 50 years. We can draw from an exciting body of art in the gallery. In this spirit, we look forward to celebrating the 2020 mid-Winter Solstice with an exhibition entitled ‘Home is where the heart is’.
The ancients knew the wisdom of the seasonal cycle of birth, life, and death. June 21st, the mid-Winter Solstice is a time when nature replenishes itself, the old and fragile dies making way as new life begins to germinate and bud as the sun waxes and wanes. A metaphysical analogy of this cycle is explored in many myths and legends as the wise men through the centuries philosophised upon the existential meaning of life. This concept is explored in the works of the artist in this show, in many different forms, mediums and philosophies.
Artists: Di Johnson Ackerman, Tania Babb, Rachelle Bomberg, Kit Dorje, Derek Drake, Margot Hattingh, Marike Kleynscheldt, Lambert Kriedeman, David Kuijers, Peter van Straten, Jan Uitlander, Annari van der Merwe, Judy Woodborne, Simon Jones, Elsa Verloren Themaat Klump, and Christopher Langley.