Maritzburg Sun:

Art in the Park may be over, but you can prolong you art-fix by heading to the Tatham Art Gallery, where a wide and diverse selection of artworks by matric students is being showcased. Over 15 high schools in and around Pietermaritzburg have been chosen to exhibit their students artworks. Starting Tuesday 10 May, it will run until Sunday 10 July and is being held in the Main Gallery. The artworks are of  a high standard and have been selected from the student’s matric art portfolios… Read more

Image: Pinky Madlabane-Nkabinde the Educational Officer of the Tathum Art Gallery admires a charcoal drawing by Giulio Beltramo of Hilton College. The work tititled Portrait, is part of a series of 3 works that follow the theme ‘Hidden Behind a Smile’. The series was inspired by the passing of Beltramo’s father in 2014. Picture: Mark Wing