It is with sadness that Goodman Gallery announces the passing of Linda Givon, who founded the gallery in 1966.
Goodman Gallery, together with our artists and community, wish long life and heartfelt condolences to Linda’s brother Michael, daughter Lee, son Robert and their families. An immense tree has fallen in the forest of our culture.
“Linda was a renaissance woman and played a huge role in my life, opening doors and opportunities for me which otherwise I would have perhaps not have seen. Her role in making space for the talents of many great artists in South Africa earned her the deserved status and reputation of a living legend in her lifetime. She was a rock in her championship of liberated voices, pens, cameras, pencils and brushes, and the role of art in a new South Africa. Her influence will be felt for a very long time and her legacy is enormous and shall be treasured by many.” – Neil Dundas, Goodman Gallery Senior Curator
“Linda was a true force of nature, pioneer and patron of the arts. She afforded me an amazing opportunity to take the helm of her gallery and it is my sincere hope to continue to build upon her legacy. The South African and African contemporary art world is hugely indebted to Linda for her vision and unwavering stewardship. She will be sorely missed.” – Liza Essers, Goodman Gallery Owner and Director