Strauss & Co.:
A memorial service for Stephan Welz will be held in Cape Town on Monday the 25th of January at 11 am.
Conference Centre, Ground Floor
Colinton Road, Newlands
Venue opens at 10:30am
Enquiries: 021 683 6560 |
Donations in lieu of flowers to Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis, a charity supported by the Welz family.
Banking details:
Abraham Kriel Childcare
ABSA: Current Account
Branch code: 632005
Account Number: 140 941 336
Reference: S.WELZ
Swift Address: ABSAZAJJ
Kindly fax / e-mail confirmation of electronic or bank deposit to:
Sandra Nel: 011 839 1080 or 086 619 7611/ (c: 082 805 6743)
Formal Registrations of Abraham Kriel Childcare:
Non-Profit Organisation: NPO 001-173
Section 21 Company: 52/00010/08
Registered as a Children’s Home: Act 74 van 1983
B-BBEE: Level 5 Contributor – documents are available
Public Benefit Organisation: SARS Reference: 18/11/12/1444
18A receipt is available
Postal address is required to issue a tax certificate (receipt).