Uncovering Ancient Memory – 15 Years of Etching

Deborah Bell

Opening: Saturday 9th December 2017

9th December 2017 – 28th February 2017

David Krut Projects Cape Town

Montebello Design Centre

31 Newlands Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town.

David Krut Projects is pleased to present Uncovering Ancient Memory – 15 Years of Etchings by the artist Deborah Bell, one of the great art printmakers in South Africa. This unique showcase features selected prints from 15 years of collaborative work between Bell and the David Krut Workshop (DKW) in Johannesburg.  The exhibition celebrates the start of Bell’s collaboration with David Krut Workshop in 2002 starting with the Ulysses series, the first editions printed at the DKW studio, and continuing on to the her most recent collaboration with US Master Printer Phil Sanders at DKW in 2017.

Bell’s body of work has consistently delved into the realm of self-discovery and her subconscious memory; also using ancient Western and Africans myths and iconography to discovering the Self. All the time realising these discoveries through the exploration of various intaglio techniques and pushing the boundaries of printmaking.

For more information about Bell’s collaboration with David Krut Workshop: please follow the links to our Workshop Blog:

Deborah Bell at DKW with Phil Sanders

Deborah Bell Collaboration Continues

Deborah Bell at David Krut Print Workshop, Arts on Main

Collaboration between David Krut Projects and Deborah Bell:

Bell began collaborating with David Krut in 2001, and continued working with DKW and Master Printers Jack Sherriff, Phil Sanders and Jillian Ross to date. David Krut Projects has also published two books on Bell and her artistic practice. This includes the TAXI-010: Deborah Bell along with its education supplement; and Deborah Bell’s Alchemy, which takes an in-depth look at Bells relationship to printmaking, collaborative work and her works created at DKW.
