The Stellenbosch Outdoor Sculpture Trust (SOST) is calling for functional public art bike rack designs. This project seeks to add a new element of distinctive outdoor art to local streets and provide an opportunity for the community to think creatively and imaginatively about public spaces. It will also promote Stellenbosch as a cycling destination and highlight bicycles as a healthier, environmentally-friendly form of transportation.

Successful designs must be both beautiful items of outdoor art as well as functional urban design elements. The project schedule begins in July 2017 and will run for 12 months. During this time a number of creative bike racks will be installed throughout the town centre and its surrounds.

– The call for design proposals is open to artists, design professionals and community members with a creative flair and an eye for fun functionality.
– A design review committee comprised of arts professionals, cycling stakeholders and municipal representatives will be responsible for selecting designs.
– Proposals will be reviewed on the basis of creativity, artistic merit, technical proficiency and compatibility with the character of Stellenbosch.
– Functionality for the intended purpose, long-term maintenance, durability, and public safety concerns will be equally important selection criteria.
– A budget (maximum R10 000) is available to cover hard costs, such as materials.
– Awarded designers/artists will be responsible for the manufacturing of the final product.
– The artist/design team is not responsible for installation of the bike rack.

For more information, contact 082 779 0072 or email

Name of bike rack design:

One copy of proposed narrative (max 500 words) to include:
• Description, inspiration, dimensions, how bike will attach for locking.
• Describe yourself and why you are proposing your design (optional).
• Attach one copy of the design on white background. Design may be hand-drawn or prepared using a computer software program.
• Brief biography.


Proposals can be submitted from May 2017 until April 2018. (Exhibition run: June 2017 – June 2018)


Each design will be reviewed for aesthetics, site appropriateness, and feasibility of production and installation.

Bike rack designs must meet the following criteria:
• Must be capable of securing at least two standard bicycles upright by their frames using standard bike locks
• Include no sharp edges or other potential safety hazards
• Designs may be inspired by locations or businesses in the town, but may NOT advertise a specific business or group
• Designs should be appropriate for public display. Inappropriate or vulgar designs will not be considered
• Provide a minimum of two points of contact for each bike, e.g. touch each bike on two wheels or one wheel and the frame for stability
• Racks should be able to be fabricated using durable materials suitable for outdoor installation with little or no maintenance Alterations may be proposed to designs based on constructability or permitting requirements by the design review committee. Your design may be tweaked slightly to meet town and manufacturer guidelines.