The Unseen, an exhibition that delves into the hidden dimensions of reality through printmaking and graphite techniques, revealing facets of personal introspection and perception that are not immediately visible. Featuring emerging artists Cyril Chiburre and Simon Attwood, with Diane Victor, senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria, as our opening speaker. The exhibition will showcase their charcoal works and prints, offering a contemporary exploration of hidden and overlooked aspects of human perception. Exhibition concludes 6 October.
Cyril Chiburre (b. 2000) is a contemporary artist from Mpumalanga, Hazyview. Recently graduated with a degree in fine arts from the University of Johannesburg, Chiburre specializes in printmaking and drawing. His work, influenced by William Kentridge and Diane Victor, addresses social issues through allegorical storytelling. Chiburre’s art critiques power dynamics, corruption, and war, using animals and traditional narrative techniques to explore themes of the Anthropocene and the impact of capitalism on nature.
Simon Attwood (b. 1997) is an artist with a deep interest in Mpumalanga’s flora and fauna. Collecting skulls and skeletons from anti-poaching work, Attwood integrates these elements into his art. He employs various media, including charcoal, bronzes, and linocut, and recently completed his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio (with distinction) from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His work reflects a blending of human and animal forms and uses symbolism to explore his visceral responses to the environments he inhabits.
Cyril Chiburre: Introspection 1, charcoal on paper, 150x85cm, 2024 (framed)
Simon Attwood: We Walk in the Clouds, composite lithograph on paper adhered cotton sheet, TP/1, 92x122cm