A Turkish artist, Burcu Cuneen who relocated to South Africa is using her talent and teaching skills to keep young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds off the streets in the St Francis Bayarea.

Cuneen moved to South Africa from Turkey in 2016.

Her dream has been to use her talent and knowledge to uplift the community and share different artistic methods.

Reality art uses objects and people as a canvass.

“The art technique looks like the therapy art, not for just a drunk or another person, just anyone. When I’m doing the art I will look like I’m doing the yoga, like I’m running, surfing; it gives me a peaceful feeling,” she says.

There are nine girls in her art class. They pose as art pieces, each telling their own stories. In the classes they learn various skills and are afforded a platform to express themselves. Most of the art work is done using recyclable materials, with the exclusion of the paint and the subject.

The aim of this form of art using humans as the main subject is to tell the stories of the people in this community and create awareness around their struggles.

“I like to use real persons because this person gives the spirit in my art,” says Cuneen. read more