The U.S. online art and sculpture market to reach USD 2.39 billionby 2025, owing to the rise in the number of online platforms, expansion of existing platforms and the growing use of internet for procurement purposes over the forecast period. These days customer prefer to buy art and sculptures online not only to save on the travelling costs and time but also on account of the easy return policies offered by various online platforms. There is a certain ease of discovery for the type of art customers are looking for and they don’t have to wait for a long time to find what exactly they want, they can just search it online. The customers can find collectables and art online which otherwise they cannot discover in a particular gallery or selling space. With the improvement in return request policies, enhanced logistical and supply chain practices, reliable due diligence such as situation reports and licenses of authenticity, and growing transparency is expected to increase the online sales of art and sculptures all over the country. Read more
U.S. Online Art and Sculpture Market Size Worth USD 2.39 Billion By 2025: Hexa Research
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