If you thought that the Chinese Cultural revolution and Nazi burning of books and destruction of artworks (that killed off the best of their countries’ brains and the right to free artistic expression), was a thing in the past, think again, it’s happening right now, today.

A certain ‘UCT Artworks Committee’ appointed by Max Price (headed by soon-to-be fall-guy, English lecturer Peter Anderson, with secretly-comprised committee members whom no one knows and whose knowledge of art is questionable), is meeting tomorrow to discuss which artworks are offensive or degenerate. Many of the works deemed offensive have already been taken down, without broader campus consultation, while others have had covers placed over them – shielding viewers from any potential pain, human thought or debate that they might conger. 

It is known that a few members on this witch-hunt committee that have been invited are a handful of young students whose arts knowledge may well be dubious… Do they know who Marcel Duchamp, or William Kentridge are? Their antics include and rely more upon physical and destructive intimidation of the right to the freedom of expression than a quest for knowledge.

Tight-lipped staff can’t say, or at most, even give records of artists whose work has been removed so far (be it for any decoy reason such as insurance, safety) that has included the likes of Kentridge, Breyten Breytenbach, Karina Turok and Diane Victor, whose work was covered up. A printwork by Gabriel Clark-Brown was destroyed in a previous incident. To date, little has come from the Academic Staff – who might well be intimidated by losing their jobs if they disagree with the process?

It was a credit to have one’s work in one of the best educational institutes in the 80’s. The honour of artists whose work has been held in the UCT collection, is now trashed. William Kentrige received an honorary doctorate from UCT in 2014, gave the graduation address and was introduced by Deputy Vice Chancellor, Sandra Klopper (wife of Michael Godby- previous Head of the Art History department) – who praised Kentridge. Kentridge’s work, along with others, has been dumped courtesy of constitutionally illiterate students unable to engage with the right to freedom of expression.

In any civilization, when the art falls, the institution that housed it found the values and quality of world-renown falling. Of course, good art will always trouble the mediocre, as it shows their inability to engage with debate, and to offer sufficient thought through argument.

So here’s to the end of an age of enlightenment and reason, and to welcoming the age of fear, violence and destruction (by illiterates, via scared people wearing gowns).

Where are our leaders in time of dark appeasement. Where are our Mandelas, Smutses and Churchills?


Case in Point:

The above image shows a Diane Victor artwork in the process of being covered. After speaking with Diane, I can confirm that the work concerns the birth of the Minotaur and has no racial implications. Diane says that the work is perhaps potentially more offensive to White Free State farmers than the protesting students.
